Category Archives: Point of View

Majority of One: Strong Values and Loose Morals

I have been having a lot of interesting conversations lately. One of which revolved around a Facebook stat I posted. It read:

“FYI: There is no “majority”. You are the only You, therefore you are a minority seeking to validate your existence through group thoughts.”

I talked last week about the System of White Privilege  and it’s effects on society. It’s oppressive weight on every person within the structure and how it evolved.

When thinking about the operation of the system, you can not help but think about the individuals involved. I called them cogs. Individuals who are working as a unit, with or without their awareness, to operate the machine that is eating people alive. Thinking group thoughts as a unit.

I called racism a genetic defect. But that’s not the only defect we give them. We also give them the idea of “majority”. We tell them that if they outnumber another group, then they are in power. And power is good. Power is real good. We must keep the power by keeping the others from attaining any power. Any worth given to the others subtracts from our own. 

Perhaps this is why the system of white privilege works so well. Because the majority believe it to be truth, that white is right. If they are the majority, those who disagree are negated automatically to the role of minority and the value of their belief is diminished. Perhaps racism is only a by-product of the real issue… believing you are a majority.

I will never understand why some feel that their individual rightness must be off-set by someone else’s wrongness. Why do we feel the need to weigh ourselves against one another? To value ourselves against the worth of one another? Why can’t we simply all have our own individual Value?

I think it has a lot to do with people’s morals. Morality is an ideal. It is a belief. It is defined as not having tangibility, which means it lacks the ability to be universally measured by our 5 senses. Not taste, smell, hearing, touch, or vision. It’s a ghost… and illusion.

When people bring up other cultures and look down at their practices I always wonder what makes them feel so right. No, you may not understand why these people choose not to dress in clothes, but their nudity is not wrong. It is their culture, their way and well within the boundaries of their moral understanding.

What makes your morals better than theirs?

That’s why I have loose morals. I choose not to be so rigid in my belief of right and wrong. If I have not been in a particular situation I try not to judge anyone harshly. As I told my son, it’s better to admit your ignorance, than to hide behind it.

Yet, I seem to be the minority here. I read so many judgmental statements levied against groups of individuals the aggressor has never met personally. And before you bring up that one time at band camp, let me remind you that you have not met every person in the world.

Moral standards are very personal things. And just with the individuals who hold them, no two are exactly alike. Similar, sure. Exact, not at all.

This can be seen within the pro-life/pro-choice debates. While summarily, everyone in the pro-life category is anti-abortion, but when you dig a little deeper you will find diverging opinions on what it means to be anti-abortion. For some that may mean no abortions, no way, now how, never, uh-uh. For others it may mean no abortions unless the life of the mother is at risk. For a few it may mean no abortions unless the quality of the life of child is projected to be poor. It all depends. So, how can they all be the same?

I know it feels good to be a part of something larger than yourself. To not be alone. To not feel alienated. I get that. I know what it means to have morals. I hold quite a few moral beliefs myself. There is nothing sinister about morality… until you use it as a reasoning to infringe on the life of another.

No matter how large you may believe your majority to be, please understand, the opposing side believes they are majorly right as well.

If two wrongs don’t make a right… do two rights make a right?

I’m content being a woman of strong values (personal self-worth) and loose morals. I do not need anyone else to agree with me, my singular majority feels just fine. I do not need anyone else to be wrong for me to be right, my rightness is defined within me. My morals are my own. And they’re loose-fitting.

The Reality of the System of White Privilege

                I was born with a birth defect that caused my foot to be amputated when I was four. So I’ve worn a prosthetic device more than six times longer than I’ve had ten toes. Throughout the years, especially at a teenager, I lamented over not being able to wear high heels.

                I generally received three main reactions: ambivalence, disgust or pity. The ambivalence came from those who had never worn high heels themselves and never wanted to. If you have never worn or wanted to wear high heels then you would likely not understand why I would want to. It might seem a silly reason to be depressed. They are just shoes. There are other shoes that can be worn. It’s not like I can’t wear any shoes.

 The disgust came from those who had worn heels, thought them similar to medieval torture devices and never planned to repeat the experience. If you have worn high heels but hated them then you would likely not understand why I would want to. It’s a horrendous misadventure. Painful and hard to manage. Why ever would I want to do that to myself? I’m much better off never experiencing it.

The pity came from those who had worn heels, thought them the defining accessory of femininity and couldn’t imagine life without them. If you love high heels then you would feel as if I was losing something vital. You would think that my not being able to wear high heels would be worse than not having a foot to put it on. I might as well not even have a prosthetic. It’s not like I can walk comfortably or be a real woman in flats.

                Occasionally I would get a forth reaction… empathy. While the person may or may not have worn high heels, and they may or may not have enjoyed the experience, they acknowledged this bothered me. That acknowledgement meant a lot to me, it in and of itself was a comfort. It validated my feelings and allowed me to feel them without insecurity.

                Perception is reality. We perceive the world through our senses. These senses create a foundation for our personal experiences and are real to us as individuals. Each person’s reality is as unique to them as their fingerprints. It is complicated and difficult for us to step outside of our own realities into the reality of another. It is complex to have empathy and sympathy for their experiences. We understand our world as it appears to us. Therefore none of these reactions are the wrong reaction. Each must be understood and respected as a part of the individual’s personal reality. They simply feel the way they feel and my feelings are outside the boundaries of their experiences.

                “White Privilege” is being discussed in lectures at Universities, in books and across the internet. During discussions I usually come across those same three main reactions. Those who have never experienced being non-white and have never wanted to, do not understand. They don’t see it because they don’t have an experiential basis to understand. Non-whites who have never thought about it, never looked for it or experienced it first hand do not understand. They can not because they do not have the basis for understanding.

                There are some who feel like the term is racist. They are white and have experienced discrimination on a small scale. They were denied a job or entrance to a college or fraternity based on their race. The problem is not “white privilege” it’s discrimination and it happens to everyone. It’s wrong but calling it white privilege ignores white people who have been discriminated against. White people feel attacked and non-whites in this category use this term to attack whites. There is blame placed. Fingers pointed. Reparations demanded. This is a new civil war.

                Some white people feel guilt over what their ancestors did in the past. They pity non-white people who are the descendents of victims. In an effort to correct these past errors they sometimes over-correct. They lower the standards for non-whites trying to level the playing field. They pat heads and fight against injustices, lamenting the color of their own skin. Some non-white people feel pitiful. There is nothing they can do. The system is against them. The system is too large to fight. This is the evolution of slavery and the master won’t let them free.

                None of these reactions are wrong. They are founded in each individual’s personal experiences with discrimination. Their individual realities. There are some who move toward empathy. Those who are white who do not hate their own skin yet work to identify injustice and correct it. They do not believe that lowering the standards of non-whites is a way to create equality. They understand that the system of white privilege is so prevalent in our society that we all must work as one to destroy its foundations. Non-whites who have empathy toward white people and do not place blame on them. They know the system is at fault. They demand a level playing field, not pity. They work to destroy the system.

The first step is acknowledgement.

White or non-white if you can not acknowledge that the System of White Privilege is a Truth, then there is little you can do to destroy it. You can not work effectively if you are too far to the left or right. Or even if you are languishing in ambivalence, in the middle taking no sides save for your own. You can not fight what you can not see. You can not see what you are not willing to experience.

                I had an interesting dialogue on a BuzzFeed community page about white privilege. It listed 17 deplorable examples of white-blindness. Of white-sidedness. I would assume the author of the list fell under the category of disgust. They are angered at the system, striking out a white people for its creation. Demanding white people dismantle it and create equality for once and for all.

                The person I was messaging with did not deny discrimination. He had experienced it first hand and knew it was real. That discrimination was true. The words, though, that title of white privilege was not real. There was no such thing and calling it white privilege was a form of racism against white people. I would assume he was under the category of disgust as well, just on another end of the debate.

We went back and forth over a couple of days. Him, stating his disbelief, and me assuring him that he could not understand and that was okay. I do not expect white people to fully understand what is means to be non-white in a system of white privilege. I urged him to move toward empathy. Toward that idea that you may not experience it, yet the reality of another must still be acknowledged and respected.

He said he would have liked me to write something about white privilege… and so I am.

I am purposely using the term “System of White Privilege” to acknowledge the reality that some white people feel may feel attacked. I am purposely using the term “system” because I believe that is what it is. It is a systematic, structural, institutional, genetic racism. It is a system that was created by white people to benefit the race. Self preservation was something we all evolved with. There are not many who can simply cut themselves on purpose. Our hands shake, thoughts about negative consequences flood our minds, and we often place the knife down before any blood wells.

This is not cowardice and neither should anyone consider a white person’s aversion to white privilege as cowardice. It simply is their need to self preserve. If they openly acknowledge their privilege they are faced with the consequences. They must make a choice to either accept it as right or deny it as wrong. Then either work to maintain it or work to disrupt it. Knowledge is a burden.


The System of White Privilege was created before the United States united.

It began with the arrival of explorers to these once foreign lands. Lands that at the time of their arrival were filled with a kind of people they had never encountered. Native Americans as we now call them, are believed to have crossed the Bering Strait ice bridge over 20,000 years ago. So while some may argue that they are not themselves native to this land, they were at the very least here first.

                In school we are taught that in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. That he arrived in America and opened trade with the natives. It wasn’t until there were too many facts to dispute before the educational system acknowledged that he did not arrive in North America but in the Bahamas islands. His encounters with the Native people, we also discovered, was not as friendly. He enslaved the people he found. Not because they were hostile but because as his letters reveal, they were timid.

                I’m sure in his mind he was better than these people he found. They did not know God. They did not dress in clothes and many lived in small villages not grand cities. As one who was better than they, he treated them as he saw fit. As less than.

                This European privilege was carried over in the hearts of those who arrived later to settle in North America. They were bringing God and saving these savages souls. They did not believe that these Natives were equal. They definitely were not greater and therefore defaulted to being less.

                As time progressed and oppression continued and extended to African people brought over as slaves this European privilege was the foundation of how this growing country worked. They would not have been able to be good people and enslave their equals. And they were good people, so these others were not their equals. Their perceptions created this reality.

                European privilege became white privilege. It evolved from a dark reality based on individual preservation to a System of Superiority to preserve the whole race. The reality of this country was that white people were better than those who were not white. Therefore those who were not white did not have to be treated with fairness. If they were not equal they could be mistreated, and better yet, were not threats to the expansion of the power of white Europeans.

The system has affected every aspect of this country.

From education to media to community design. In schools we are taught the history as it was written by the conquerors. In the media these ideals are subconsciously relayed. White is good. Non-whites are almost human. Communities of mostly non-white people are slums and ghettos filled with lazy dangerous people. I’ve been asked if I’ve ever seen anyone shot every time I tell a group of suburbanites that I’m from Detroit.

                I don’t blame these folks because I know that if something tragic happens in Inkster the news reporter is likely to say “Metro Detroit” and if something great happens on Livernois and Davison you probably won’t hear about it. Perception is reality, right? So violence and excess is perceived because of the way Detroit is portrayed. Therefore it must be real, even though it’s not true.

                It’s not only white people who bolster the system of white privilege, non-whites do it as well. Youth growing up in Detroit have been told over and over again what being a black youth means. They have been told what a black youth looks and sound like. And have been told that anything other than that means they are not black. In order to honestly identify themselves as black youths they must conform to the societal ideal of what being black means.

                 In order for us to dismantle the System of White Privilege we have to begin by acknowledging that our realities may not be true. We have to be willing to look at how we view, not just each other, but more importantly ourselves.

If you are white (or identify as such) and feel that you are better than anyone else based off of what history or media has told you about being white I do not blame you. I do blame you if you feed into these false realities, call them truth and refuse to listen empathetically to those who do have not shared your experiences.

If you are white and have crossed the street because a group of non-white teenage boys are walking toward you, I understand but still blame you. I blame you for not recognizing that you are crossing the street not because you’ve been terrorized by a group of non-white teenagers but because society has told you these boys mean you harm and you gave in to that fear.

If you are white and you have said that you have a black/brown/blue friend and therefore can not be accused of any kind of color discrimination, but have never checked yourself to see if you are comfortable being their friends because they exhibit white acceptable characteristics or self hatred, I blame you.

If when confronted with the system of privilege this society malnourished within you fall back on exclamations of crimes being levied unfairly against your people yet you have never consciously reviewed your own biases, I blame you.

Guilt is a powerful thing.

I used to feel guilty about being proud of my heritage. I felt like saying I was proud to be black was like saying I agree with the stereotypes of blackness. That I listened to rap music and carried a bridge card with pride. This kind of self hatred is a genetic disorder passed down from generation to generation of children born in this vicious system. The reality that you had to pick a side…white or black. That you could not be a real black girl and listen to rock and roll and like it or you could not be a real black girl and speak properly. Or that if you were a real black girl, you had to understand that whiteness is proper and should be strived for.

                We are not only separate but we are not equal. We segregate ourselves within the confines of our individual realities, terrified to leave its comforts. The known is safe. The unknown is dark and scary. We feel that we are better or worse than the others, than those outside our experiences. Those who have never known or gotten close to knowing what it is like to be us. Our perceptions are our realities and we are not letting go in search of truth. I blame everyone who exists within that ideology. Everyone who believes there is a right side and a wrong side and that they are obviously on the side of right.

                I told the person I was messaging that one of the reasons I love science is because the very foundation of it is uncertainty. It is the idea that we only know so much, that more can be known, may be known or may never be known. That the right answer is only right, right now. That tomorrow with new information we may discover ourselves wrong. That we accept this uncertainty and never become entrenched in being the right one, yet the one always seeking to know more.

                This System of White Privilege is a reality that has no foundation in truth. If we look back through time we see that other civilizations arose and fell without one white person inside the walls. This means that the system itself is false. Those who choose ignorance over knowledge, disbelief over acceptance, ambivalence or disgust over empathy are actively playing right into the system. They are the cogs keeping the machine moving. Without those parts the entire machine itself will fail.

                This is not a request for white people to feel guilt. This is not a call to arms for non-whites. As my son so eloquently put it at five years old, “there are no white people or black people, only brown people.” We are all shades of brown. The lightest of light browns to the darkest. We are all humans, each and every deserving of respect and understanding. And if you can not understand because it is beyond your personal reality, then respect and empathy. The system is not too big to fight because the system is made up of each and every one of us. It is a genetic defect within each and every one of us, played out in large and small ways.

The only way then to destroy it is to approach this as we could any other scientific discovery. Acknowledge that at one time it was the right answer based of the knowledge that was had. That time and additional information has shown that this is no longer the right answer. There is no guilt, only revelation. Utilizing this new information we must change the way to interact and intersect. We must consciously check our biases at the door. Not share them with our off-spring. Not work inside the system. Not hide from discriminatory actions, but expose them. Not get angered at them, but empathetically correct them.

                If all white people are not prejudiced against non-whites, and all non-white people don’t secretly (or openly) hate whites for a history no one can change… then we already have a lot of common ground to move on from. And there are already enough of all sides to move forward.


The Pro-Lifers have a new cause. It is the Personhood Initiative. The movement is attempting to get states to vote to give personhood rights to fetuses. What this means is that a fetus, no matter how conceived, will be a person with equal rights to the parents. It sounds like a nice concept. Because, I agree with most in saying that life technically begins at conception. As in, it is alive. But Houston, we have a problem.

Giving Personhood to a fetus means no more abortions. I know, possibly not such a bad thing. It also means no IUDs, and a few other forms of birth control that does not stop conception but stops implantation in the uterus. It also means that fertility clinics will have to use all the viable embryos. It also means that if a woman has a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, that there might need to be an investigation into the cause. Really?

I came across a fellow bloggers site and he poses what I believe is a very good question. Is the egg we eat a chicken? Is a seed a tree? Because technically they are. And we eat them just the same (but never seen anyone chewing on a pine twig).

My real issue with this is that in all their fervor to save the lives of the unborn they have forgotten the MOST important issue: the child.

Let’s be realistic. What do you think is the outcome of such a law? Well if there is no legal abortion then back alley abortions will just make a huge come back. Including all the death and diseases it had before. Those who can’t save up for it will be forced to carry a fetus to term that they do not want. Do you think that woman will seek proper prenatal care? Probably not (especially considering how these same folks who want to do away with abortion also want to do away with assistance programs). Do you think that woman will stop smoking, drinking and drugging? Probably not. That means the child will be born with physical impairments.

So now we have a new-born baby with fetal alcohol syndrome who might or might not have been born inside of a medical facility up for adoption. Because you see, they say there is no need to abort because there is adoption and millions of families seeking children. Hmm… but realistically how many families who are capable and prepared to adopt will take the screaming, disabled black baby? That was my thought too.

So now you have a child growing up in the foster care system, being tossed from home to home until they get into trouble and land in juvenile. That same child is more likely to make a child of their own before they are even out of their teen years. Then, repeat.

I believe life is precious. I really do. I believe it within itself is a miracle. I also know that there will be thousands of unwanted ethnic children flooding the already overloaded foster care system. Perhaps, you personhooders, you can prove me wrong by going out and adopting as many children as you can now. Perhaps I would feel differently if there weren’t already a million kids in the foster care system that will never be placed in a permanent home.

I know, they’d rather go to other countries to adopt because it’s just so hard to do in the States. Are they going to attack those laws next? It’s only rational. Otherwise my predictions are destined. And to me that’s even more depressing than thinking about how many abortions are performed a day.

Point of View

There are approximately 312 million people in this country which means there are about 312 million points of view. In my wise opinion it’s not the apple that changes but where you’re standing when you look at it. What do I mean by that?

Well in effect I mean that the issue remains the same but whether it is right or wrong depends on where the person is when they talk about it. Points of view are affected by preconceived notions, personal experiences, and upbringing. For that reason there can not be a right-wrong-up-down-black-white way to approach any situation because the true answer depends largely on who is asked.

Take something controversial like cannibalism. Many would say it’s wrong to eat human flesh, I say that if the plane crashes and Joe’s dead then it’s dinner time. Self preservation plays a large role in national preservation.

Of course the 1% are fighting the 99%! Wouldn’t you? Of course the Democrats are fighting the Republicans! It’s less about policy they don’t “agree” with and more about “issues” they don’t agree with. Again, each side, each person actually, is looking at that apple from a different perspective.

I suggest instead of angrily insisting your correctness you instead listen to the other perspective, research, attempt to set aside your personal feelings and make a rational judgement.

And yes, I realize that by doing so many of you will realize that you are wrong. So be it. Be wrong but aware. Better than being right only to yourself.