Parentally Speaking

My children are eight and four years old. They are my greatest burden and my greatest joy. I have watched them learn to walk, talk and comprehend. Watching children develop is awe inspiring. The way they attack new events in their life with gusto and without fear. I guess that’s something we lose as we age. As we are hurt by others and by ourselves. We begin to shy away from new experiences. We begin to shun new learning opportunities. We begin to distance ourselves from each other.

It is a habit that I am trying to break but it’s not an easy one. As a child I was ridiculed for everything from the way I looked to the way I spoke. Light skinned, long hair and proper use of the English language. Yes, the little white black girl. So I started to fear meeting new people because I feared there rejection. I started to shun new experiences because I feared failing and then being ridiculed for my failure. I shunned new learning experiences because I was afraid I would learn things about myself that I did not like.

But I’ve got two little boys. So, how can I encourage them to keep attacking life like there’s no tomorrow if I’m bricked up against the world. How can I tell them to keep their heads up if mine is down? I mean, I could but children watch what we do far more than they hear what we say. Remember that parents, your children are watching.

About bcfree

Mom of two beautiful boys. Hoping that the world they live in today will not be the ones they perish in. View all posts by bcfree

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